Daca exista vreo indoiala ca nu pot sa ma tin de nimic here it is. Nu am mai postat de 6 luni. In my defense I had bigger fish to fry and/or torture. Wanna hear about my life? Stay calm... I wasn't planning on telling you anything anyway.
I really don't know where to start cause I would like to say a lot. So avand in vedere ca ador the sheer randomness that so seldomly crosses our path (hmmm!... subiect for another time) - I'll just pick the first one that pops into my head..( oh, the selective nature of our subcounscious)
If you're one of my Y!M friends you probably already got this song. but if you're not and you get a chance you should really check it ou. Mike Doughty - I Hear the Bells. I've been sharing it a lot cause I think it's one of those cult songs that everyone should have on their iPod or mp3 player.
Ok. So to make this easier for you I'll just list them (cause if I started talking about them this post would be novel lentgh).
Something Happens - Momentary thing
Junk - Life Is Good
Pete Yorn - Just Another Girl
The Who - Magic Bus
The Dandy Warhols - Smoke it & We used to be friends
Tegan and Sarah - So Jealous
The Faders - No Sleep Tonight
The Hives - Walk Idiot Walk
(can't help myself) Elvis Costello - Veronica
Starsailor - I Don't Know (you should check out anything Starsailor you can lay your hands on)
The Perishers - Sway
The Wannabes - I An God
ok ok... I'm saving some for the next post .
Ok. Number two.
Christmas. Some of you might have read last Xmas' post. It was full of fluff and feeling and shit. This one ain't. I'm a Grinch. If the ortographic obviousness didn't do it for you I stress. Full stop.
Podcasts. You guys should really check'em out. I usually stick to the HP and Veronica Mars ones. Although I do sometimes check out stuff if it seems interesting enough. If you wanna know more about it let me know.
Veronica Mars. My new obsession. Well relatively new. I would watch it and rewatch incessantly. Oh wait! Would? It was cancelled last season but hey... I still have Grey's Anatomy, House md, OTH..althought that one is getting really old really fast. Oh! And Californication. It's done for this season. But it's been picked up and we have something to look forward to already. I'm curious what they'll be able to do with it now. Hope it won't go downhill.
I know you guys really don't care but The 4400 got cancelled and so did The Dead Zone apparently. I know. People suck.
Informatiile pe care le-am impartasit cu voi s-ar putea sa va lase total indiferenti. Dar these are mes petits(ha!) obsessions.
House MD e plin de sarcasm, mistere medicale si sarcasm and jerkiness.
Grey's. Oh come on. Seattle Grace Drama.
OTH. Makes me yawn, don't know why I listed it.
Although the Mugglecasters rule, Neptune Pirate Radio frustrates me. Intr-un mare si regal hal.
Ok...Where did that come from. Tis is one chaotic post. I shall redeem myself.
p.s. Simteam nevoia sa spun chestiile astea so bear with me. Imi cer scuze in avans pt greseli. Mi-e prea lene to proof the post.
Monday, December 24, 2007
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