Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Mein Kampf Phenomenon

Don't let the title of this post allude you.I am not, in any way, supporting nazi movements. It's about persuasion, hallucinations and people with antisocial complexes and strong personalities.
Hitler was one of those people.I mean it would be preposterous to assume that Hitler single-handedly coerced an entire country to obey him. No. He managed to persuade them that his view on things was the right one and did so with arguments that seemed pertinent and logical (well they were very hungry and probably sleep deprived). So he looked like he had Parkinson and drove probably more than three women to suicide, so what? The people didn't know about that aspect of his life.They knew that he had found someone to blame for everything and if there was something Germany needed back then it was a scapegoat. Hitler made a career out of it. But did he really believe it?Was conviction the source of his madness or did he only take pleasure in killing and torturing and didn't really care who ended up dead or scarred? Bottom line is that he did what he wanted.Untill his death in 1945 Hitler had killed millons of people and not just jews; he had killed the handicapped, the old and those who remained in hospitals for extended periods of time for he considered them to be a burden on the backs of those who worked for a living.

But it sems to be impossible that he could persuade the people of Germany that what he was doing was right. How could he have done that? Of course fear played an immense part but that was later on. In my opinion nationalism had set the stage for disaster. And although we all like to belive that we're civilized creatures, the moment our animal instincts are subtlely awoken we may have a hard time separating instinct from rational opinion.

So was Hitler evil? Was he just severely disturbed or was old Lucifer in on it? You will find an abundance of people advertising both theories. Me? I think it's all about control. But we'll tallk about that some other time.

My recommendations: People in Planes - Falling by the Wayside , Paloalto - Last Way Out of Here and Staind - Epiphany. Enjoy.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Weekend prelungit

Am decis sa nu stau si sa ma plang de plictiseala.Asa ca astazi am la activ vreo 3 filme.Desigur nimic prea important.Filme relaxante si usurele.Ceea ce e interesant la ziua asta este muzica.Mi-am amintit de o dragoste mai veche: Staind (a caror melodie "It's Been A While" am adorat-o intotdeuna) care mi-a declansat asocierile spontane si asa am scos de la proverbiala naftalina si Puddle Of Mudd si Creed si nitel Nickelback (desi stilul nu e chiar acelasi) si chiar ceva Travis (desi acuma m-am indepartat la ani lumina de Staind). Dar daca a fost posibil pentru Usher sa coexiste in acelasi playlist cu Billie Holiday (ceea ce la prima vedre poate aduce a sacrilegiu) nu vad ce motive as avea sa evit combinatii gen Staind-Travis. De la piese cu mesaje sociale pana la dureri dulci-amarui, dispozitia creata de aceasta alaturare neconvetionala este superba in ciuda asteptarilor initale.Pentru aceste aduceri-aminte le datorez multumiri celor care s-au ocupat de coloanele sonore ale filmelor pe care le-am vizionat astazi.

Deci, recomandarile mele sunt as follows: Flowers In The Window si Love Will Come Through( de la Travis), It's Been A While si Open Your Eyes (de la Staind), Control (Puddle Of Mudd p.s. aici ar mai intra multe dar incerc sa ma limitez la un numar acceptabil), si In the Sun - Coldplay ft Michael Stipe.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Patience and Spare time

Lately I have been posting a lot. This is mainly due to an article in "Time Out" magazine but also to the fact that I have patheticly much free time on my hands for I have been striken by the flu. So my day has consisted of sleeping, consuming obscene quantities of tea, having a go at some homework and finishing a book. All of these actvities were supported by backround music. Right now I am desperately trying to find something to do cause I'm not used to not being swamped.I have considered watching some movies but dismissed the idea.My internet connection is not what it used to be and I never have been a patient person. Being able to wait is a quality I do not possess. The shallowness and lack of substance or actual purpose of this post is frightening to me.

No recommandations.Maybe a little The Calling.Yeah...I know..They're a little naive .sickness has softened me

Friday, February 23, 2007

Schimba placa..

Pana acum am postat exclusiv in engleza.Dar am fost intotdeuna adepta schimbarii asa ca diversificam putin...

Ok acuma uite cum sta scurta mea viata am reusit sa acumulez niscaiva experienta la capitolul "comportament uman".Nu o sa plictisesc pe nimeni cu perle de intelepciune indoielnica insa dom' profesor de romana ne tot bate la cap cu faptul ca Maiorescu a zis odata ca cica Eminescu e mare poet mare da' cam iubitor de antiteze(sunt sigura ca Maiorescu se rasuceste in ilustru-i mormant simtind in ce hal i-am masacrat cuvintele).Tendinta aceasta este bine sesizata si cum se presupune ca ce invatam la scoala ne ajuta si foloseste in viata,haide sa construim postul in maniera antitezica.

Suntem fortati de impulsuri mai vechi decat noi sa ne plictisim.In momentul in care dispare noutatea ne pierdem interesul, nu mai apreciem.."we take for granted" cum ar zice englezu'.Bun...toate ca toate dar ce se intampla cand acea parte din noi care prefera constanta (si aici nu ma refer la oras) intervine?Ce se intampla cand impulsul nostru de a cauta noutate se bate cap in cap cu dorinta de stabilitate?Cum impacam si nestatornica capra si linistita varza?Cedarea nu pare a fi cea mai buna optiune pentru ca nu stim nicodata unde ne poate duce cautarea de nou daca nu este filtrata in prealabil prin sita ratiunii.In acelasi timp nu putem nici sa ne complacem preferand stagnarea in locul progresului.Sau putem dar nu e preferabil.Si iata-ma din nou punand intrebari la care nu exista raspunsuri corecte pentru ca influenta subiectivitatii este prea profunda.Ce ne facem?Asteptam book review-ul.Nu o sa fie cine stie ce...

Pana atunci va sfatuiesc sa incercati nitel Placebo.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fight or Flight

"Human beings need a lot of things to feel alive. Family,love,sex...But we only need one thing to actually be alive. We need a beating heart. When our heart is threatened we respond in one of two ways. We either run. Or we attack. There's a scientific term for this. Fight or Flight. It's instinct. We can't control it. Or can we?"

There I go again with my obsession for "Grey's Anatomy". This was one of my favourite voice-overs. It is most true. Actually these are the options we have everytime anything of ours is threatened.

Fight or Flight.

We all think we will be the ones who fight. We always see ourselves as being courageous and as the ones who will save the day. Or at least stick it out. However there is no way of knowing how we will react before the actual event takes place. When you're looking in the cold eyes of potential tragedy...this is when reality kicks in. What will you do? Will you hide? Will you take a breath of polluted air, grind your teath and go down fighting?

Who are you going to be? Who are you now? What part does your personality play in this kind of situation? Or your training? Will the way we react change the way the people around us see us? Do we consider what people around us think when this kind of situation occurs?

I wish I had answers. But I don't. It's really frustrating for me not to.But I don't. It's not one of those times when I have the answers but refuse o give them to the people that need them because the answer itself is not worth anything without the search for it. I just don't know.Fear is one of my fascinations. That's why I like horror movies and Steven King and that's why I'm enthusiastic when it comes to documentaries about the end of the world. My level of wierdness is indeed disturbing but I can assure you that you are in no immediat danger of being viciously murdered. Just like sports.I prefer to watch in cases like this. It might seem equally disturbing that I'm comparing mass murder to tennis but there it goes...

Maybe I'll expand on this subject. I don't know yet. 'Till then my recommendation:

Listen to Mozart. It's supposed to stimulate the brain.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Band aid covers the bullet hole...

This is the name of a "Grey's Anatomy" episode.It's also the title of a Scarling song. Quick solutions are what we're looking for.Get it over with.I want to get back to my life.I want it fixed now. The quality of the "fixture" doesn't cross our minds till later.When the band-aid slips off and we're left with an even worse injury than the initial one.Is procrastination a manifestation of fear?Is denial so present in our lives that we can't and don't want to tell reality apart from hope?Where was reason hiding when someone with cancer for example let the tumor grow instead of getting it checked?(copyright Grey's Anatomy).Is fear a "disease" of the weak?One of my mottos, for I have many( which can, in a way, contradict the idea of motto) is that courage is not the absence of fear but rather the idea that something is more important than be courageous is to act in spite of the fear. What am I afraid of...? I would never tell YOU that but it is a question worth considering. Most people who saw the movie IT are afraid of clowns.I am included in that vast cathegory. So i admitted it. But that's different. It is far easier to say that clowns or dogs or carrousels freak us out than it is to confess our other kind of fears.

The solution?Take care of things when they should be taken care of.Never leave unto tomorrow what you can do today...yada yada yada. What does
it matter if we've taken care of things or not as long as no one knows we haven't. My mother would say something like:"the truth shall set you free"(I chopped down the cherry tree...again yada yada yada). A lot of things in this world are over-rated. The truth, for one. At the same time the "what you don't know can't hurt you" bit is a load of bull as well.So we are stuck in a society where lack of time nd hedonism has not only created people either too afraid or too busy or (why not face it?) too lazy to do certain things in time but we also leave in a time when saying the truth and hiding it can have equally catastrophical consequences.Hurray for us. Hit the booze.

Well on a more consolative note If you can't do anything about it stop stressing.

Recommendation:Placebo: Sleeping with ghosts and Days before you came two of my favorite songs.And for those of you who are feeling a little down and would like to keep it that way Devotchkas: How it ends. IM me for the song(s).

P.S. Check this out.I know I'm obsessed.Bear with me.It's a great song.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Jazz and Usher

Yes one of my dirty little not so secret secrets.I have a thing for Usher.It's not that strange if you come to think about it.The amazing body, incredible voice and langurous moves make it a no brainer.The kinky lyrics are a plus though.Some of the songs in my play list right now:Hottest Thing, That's What It's Made 4, Follow Me, Throwback...However you will also see Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole, Julie London, Duke Elington, Sarah Vaughan,Billie Holiday and many more.

In other news...Nietzsch has annoyed me with his chauvinistic comments so i'm laying off books for a while and focusing on chick flicks.Two refreshing days of non-intellect soliciting pieces should fix me right up.

My musical advice for you: french singers like Charles Asnavour, Salvattore Adamo who is an italian per se but has some great french songs, Edith Piaf, Patricia Kaas, Yves Montagne...amazing people, amazing lyrics and amazing language...I'm in love with Paris which I
consider to be the greateset city in the whole wide world so my fascination with french music is justified.

In the subject of falling in love.Lately I've been thinking a lot about how I fell in love with music.I mean there has to have been a particular song that tranformed a liking into somewhat of an obsession... addiction some might say. I didn't come up with much. I know when I fell in love with different bands or artists but not musi. Who knows?...Maybe it was a gradual thing not this amazing revelation.The latter sounds better but reality rarely is what we want it to be.Let us leave this weary path before we fall down the dark pit of depression.

I shall leave you now and maybe when i come back I'll have a book review . I make no promises but I'll do my best.

Friday, February 9, 2007

my soundtracks obsession

There are certain songs in certain movies that you want to hear again and again.Add to that an internet connection and a functionable odc program and you've got yourself a whole lotta music.And like that isn't enough there are a few shows.(admitedly they're either just starting or not airing in romania) that have amazing soundtracks.

Like One Tree Hill..yes ok...teen show but check this out: The Cure, Led Zeppelin,Jack's Mannequin. The Replacements, The Veils,Stereophonics,Travis...and that's just some of the bands whose songs were used as backround.

Amazing writers with amazing taste in music.

Smallville..a little too mass-aimed for my taste but Bush and Course of Nature are pretty ok in my book.

Grey's anatomy..ok I watch this one for the story line...getting to hear Buffseeds and Kate Havnevik is nice gravy though.

If I haven't recommended it by now Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You is one of the main reasons I like music and you should not miss the chance to be delighted by every wonderful note in jimmi page's incredible solo.