Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fight or Flight

"Human beings need a lot of things to feel alive. Family,love,sex...But we only need one thing to actually be alive. We need a beating heart. When our heart is threatened we respond in one of two ways. We either run. Or we attack. There's a scientific term for this. Fight or Flight. It's instinct. We can't control it. Or can we?"

There I go again with my obsession for "Grey's Anatomy". This was one of my favourite voice-overs. It is most true. Actually these are the options we have everytime anything of ours is threatened.

Fight or Flight.

We all think we will be the ones who fight. We always see ourselves as being courageous and as the ones who will save the day. Or at least stick it out. However there is no way of knowing how we will react before the actual event takes place. When you're looking in the cold eyes of potential tragedy...this is when reality kicks in. What will you do? Will you hide? Will you take a breath of polluted air, grind your teath and go down fighting?

Who are you going to be? Who are you now? What part does your personality play in this kind of situation? Or your training? Will the way we react change the way the people around us see us? Do we consider what people around us think when this kind of situation occurs?

I wish I had answers. But I don't. It's really frustrating for me not to.But I don't. It's not one of those times when I have the answers but refuse o give them to the people that need them because the answer itself is not worth anything without the search for it. I just don't know.Fear is one of my fascinations. That's why I like horror movies and Steven King and that's why I'm enthusiastic when it comes to documentaries about the end of the world. My level of wierdness is indeed disturbing but I can assure you that you are in no immediat danger of being viciously murdered. Just like sports.I prefer to watch in cases like this. It might seem equally disturbing that I'm comparing mass murder to tennis but there it goes...

Maybe I'll expand on this subject. I don't know yet. 'Till then my recommendation:

Listen to Mozart. It's supposed to stimulate the brain.

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