Saturday, June 23, 2007

Summer Bummer

Nu ma mira faptul ca vara este plictisitoare.E probabil una dintre singurele certitudini in viata mea acum. Vara nu este asa de roz cum parea in fanteziile pe care le aveam cand stateam in banca visand la momentul in care temele si trezitul de dimineata nu vor mai fi singurele mele griji.The truth is that without early mornings and annoying homework to worry about there is very little to think about. The fact of the matter is I am simply too lazy. I refuse to go out because it's too damn hot and i end up complaining about the boredom. Which is actually the state of my choosing so the complaining is futile.

Muzica este destul de diversa si banuiesc ca the re-enactment of last summer isn't really the thing to do dar feelingu' e destul de reusit incat sa aleg sa raman in my comfortable routine. Writing is out of the question pt ca lenea ma domina momentan. And it's a slippery sloap with reading cause i have to find something i'm in the mood for.Which is turning out to be a challenge since i'm not really in the mood for anything.

So i guess this is everything. I'll probably start updating more since i have nothing else to do. Maybe i'll start to tlak about interesting stuff for a change. Yeah... fat chance.

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