Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Band aid covers the bullet hole...

This is the name of a "Grey's Anatomy" episode.It's also the title of a Scarling song. Quick solutions are what we're looking for.Get it over with.I want to get back to my life.I want it fixed now. The quality of the "fixture" doesn't cross our minds till later.When the band-aid slips off and we're left with an even worse injury than the initial one.Is procrastination a manifestation of fear?Is denial so present in our lives that we can't and don't want to tell reality apart from hope?Where was reason hiding when someone with cancer for example let the tumor grow instead of getting it checked?(copyright Grey's Anatomy).Is fear a "disease" of the weak?One of my mottos, for I have many( which can, in a way, contradict the idea of motto) is that courage is not the absence of fear but rather the idea that something is more important than fear.to be courageous is to act in spite of the fear. What am I afraid of...? I would never tell YOU that but it is a question worth considering. Most people who saw the movie IT are afraid of clowns.I am included in that vast cathegory. So i admitted it. But that's different. It is far easier to say that clowns or dogs or carrousels freak us out than it is to confess our other kind of fears.

The solution?Take care of things when they should be taken care of.Never leave unto tomorrow what you can do today...yada yada yada. What does
it matter if we've taken care of things or not as long as no one knows we haven't. My mother would say something like:"the truth shall set you free"(I chopped down the cherry tree...again yada yada yada). A lot of things in this world are over-rated. The truth, for one. At the same time the "what you don't know can't hurt you" bit is a load of bull as well.So we are stuck in a society where lack of time nd hedonism has not only created people either too afraid or too busy or (why not face it?) too lazy to do certain things in time but we also leave in a time when saying the truth and hiding it can have equally catastrophical consequences.Hurray for us. Hit the booze.

Well on a more consolative note If you can't do anything about it stop stressing.

Recommendation:Placebo: Sleeping with ghosts and Days before you came two of my favorite songs.And for those of you who are feeling a little down and would like to keep it that way Devotchkas: How it ends. IM me for the song(s).

P.S. Check this out.I know I'm obsessed.Bear with me.It's a great song.

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